Want to Learn More about Soul Regression Work?
Frequently Asked Questions
How does hypnosis work? Will it work for me?
Hypnosis is a natural deep state of relaxation and a heightened level of concentration.
The brain wave frequency is slowing down from “beta”, also known as the waking/3d state, into “alpha” (subconscious/4d ) and then “theta” (superconscious/5d). You are completely awake and able to communicate but are in such a relaxed state you’re able to fully access the right hemisphere of your brain and recall soul memories while also tapping into higher states of consciousness.
Most people are very successful and have no problems accessing past life memories and these higher states of consciousness. It’s also important to remember that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis so the more you allow yourself to relax and let go the more successful the session will be.
How will I access information from my past life?
You will be accessing information through various “clairs”. If you’re more of a left brain/analytical person you could be stronger in claircognizance so information will come through as thoughts. It could come through as a strong emotion which is clairsentience. People often see images, symbols or colors in their mind’s eye which is clairvoyance. Clairaudience, which is hearing not through the physical ears but with the mind, etc. Typically clients receive information through 2-3 different clairs. The key is to trust your intuition and initial impressions, even if it doesn’t make sense as it will lead to the next thing and begin to paint the larger picture.
Will it be hard to experience traumatic past life events?
The miraculous thing about this type of work is that you’re able to experience the most intense past lives but from a “birds eye” view...almost as if you’re watching a movie. Because you’re in such a state of relaxation, there’s what feels like a distance from what you’re observing. However, spirit will not show you anything you’re not ready to be shown. If a more difficult past life does come up it has the ability to explain fears, phobias and feelings that might have been plaguing one for years in current life and creates an opportunity to release them.
How do I prepare for my session?
I would suggest starting a 15-20 min. daily meditation/spiritual practice prior to your session. Once you schedule a session I will also send along a guided meditation recording focused on relaxation that will induce a light trance to help prep you for the hypnosis induction process. I also suggest taking a brisk walk the morning of as it helps relax the body + mind.
Please also refrain from alcohol and go light on caffeine the night before and day of the session.
Although not required, if you are interested in reading more about soul regressions prior to your session there are a lot of great books in the resource section of my site that will give you a good idea of the type of information that often comes through in a PLSR + BLSR. I would highly suggest, Dr. Linda Backman’s book, The Evolving Soul: Spiritual Healing Through Past Life Exploration.
How many sessions will I need?
It varies and is very individual. Some people find tremendous healing + transformation in just one session. Others find they want to continue exploring their soul journey as more information is uncovered or new issues arise in life and will book additional sessions.
And some people choose to do more ongoing work in the soul mentorship program, especially while they are in a season of great uncertainty, transition, or expansion.
Spirit will guide you on when the timing is right and what is needed.
What is your payment + cancellation policy?
Payments for single sessions are required to be paid in full upfront before booking your time. Sessions can be re-scheduled up to 48hrs in advance with no change fee, and are non-refundable if cancelled within 24hrs of the scheduled time.
Because soul regression work is vast with many layers, I always encourage my clients (or anyone intrested) to explore this topic on your own. If you are curious to go deeper with your explorations, I highly reccomend the books below.
"Many Lives, Many Masters" By Brian L. Weiss, M.D
"Life before Life: Children’s Memories of Previous Lives" - Jim B. Tucker, M.D.
"The Evolving Soul: Spiritual Healing Through Past Life Exploration" By Dr. Linda Backman
"The Transformative Power of Near-Death" - Dr. Penny Sartori and Kelly Walsh
"Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives" - Michael Newton, PH.D